Everyone is aware of the importance of water for our bodies, and that we can’t live without it. But we want to show why drinking water is so important by highlighting the main benefits of proper hydration.
We spent long hours researching expert sources to identify the best benefits of water consumption, backed up by studies. Continue reading to find out the benefits and an infographic that summarizes them all.
Music is one of those magical things that has the power to stir our emotions, motivate us, and take us to a place that words alone simply cannot manage.
But, one thing that not many people know is that the powerful chords and melodies of our favorite musical offerings can actually benefit our health. Mental health and physical health can both be improved using music as a tool. And, as the world becomes a more demanding, stressful place to live, there’s never been a better time to turn to music to calm our minds, elevate our mood, and improve our overall well-being. If you’d like to know more about how you can use music to improve your health, you’ve come to the right place! Below, we’ll take a look at the plethora of different types of sound, as well as the health benefits that certain specific types of music can provide. Even after applying stress-relieving skills, you will still experience some stress, as it is a part of life.
Solution: Set aside time every evening to relax and decompress. How to do it: It's easy to get bogged down in the day-to-day grind and let the stress pile on.And getting rid of that stress often seems exponentially difficult.
So if you're looking for a way to escape, here are some science-backed ways to decompress — even if you can't get away from the things that are stressing you out. If you’ve ever asked someone how to be healthy, you’ve probably heard this advice: Eat a healthy diet. Really, though, what does that even mean? If you ask many followers of the trendy ketogenic diet, it means shunning sweet potatoes and quinoa in favor of cheese and coconut oil. For another person, it might mean avoiding sugary foods like ice cream and candy at all costs. And someone else may tell you to avoid all dairy and nix gluten.
The problem is, this back-and-forth about what’s truly healthy can cause a whole lot of confusion, not to mention prompt people to try unsustainable and unnecessarily restrictive diets in the name of health. If that’s you, there’s no need for embarrassment: Just be relieved to learn that healthy eating is far simpler than you may think. A healthy diet doesn't require a lot of money, newfangled appliances or subsisting on any kind of scheme that sounds like a gimmick. Because it's true what they say about what seems too good to be true: Eating well means listening to that little voice inside that knows what healthy foods generally look like – fresh and recognizable in nature – and what they don't: prepackaged and processed.
Benefits of water: Are you getting enough fluids to stay healthy? by Sandee LaMotte (www.cnn.com)6/2/2021 Water is known as the elixir of life, with good reason. Every system in your body needs it to survive.
“Water regulates our body temperature, keeps our joints lubricated, helps prevent infections and delivers nutrients to our cells,” said registered US dietitian and CNN contributor Lisa Drayer. “Additionally, our kidneys and liver work hard to get rid of toxins in our bodies, and they depend on water to do their job.” Water makes up about 60% of your body’s weight, and although you can survive without food for weeks, dehydration can kill you within days or even hours, depending on the temperature and your environment. How Understanding Your Brain Can Help You Learn by Jill Suttie (www.greatergood.berkeley.edu)6/2/2021 Recently, a close friend’s niece was having trouble graduating from college. She needed to pass a math class to graduate but wouldn’t take it because she feared flunking it. A belief that she just wasn’t “good at math” was keeping her stuck in graduation limbo, unable to move on with her life.
Familydoctor.org’s Neighborhood Navigator is an interactive tool that connects you to community resources and programs in your neighborhood. With more than 40,000 social services listed by zip code, you can find local services related to:
The FDF LifestyleThis page includes blogs, healthy articles, inspiring pictures, exercise tutorials, music, etc. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician. Archives
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