Early birds get all the credit. Research indicates that morning people tend to be more active and goal oriented, and such larks as Steve Jobs, Craig Newmark of Craigslist, and 25-year old David Karp, founder of the Tumblr blogging platform suggest that climbing the ladder of success is easier before breakfast. So does that mean night owls are at a disadvantage? Research by Satoshi Kanazawa and colleagues at the London School of Economics and Political Science suggests no. The group discovered significant differences in sleep preferences and found that people with higher IQs are more likely to be night owls. They found an evolutionary shift from being active in the day towards nightly pursuits and that those individuals who preferred to stay up late demonstrated “a higher level of cognitive complexity.” Researchers from Belgium and Switzerland studying sleep habits found that early risers needed more rest than their nocturnal counterparts and didn’t focus as well later in the day as those who slept in.
I’ll be the first to admit that I’m really not a morning person. I’ve tried to get myself going in the early hours of the morning, but I’ve always been more of a night owl – my creative juices seem to flow better in the later hours. So I’d be the last person to suggest that you need to force yourself out of bed before your body and mind are really ready to do so. But when you do get up, you may find that you’re pressed for time and have fallen behind the rest of the crowd in what you need to get done during the day. A slow start to your day won’t help anyone, let alone you. Just because you’re not up as the sun rises doesn’t mean that you can’t put yourself in a position to make sure that the day ahead will be a productive one. You need to put some things into play so that you can make the most of your waking hours. On that note, here are 10 “morning hacks” to jumpstart your day: 1. Wash your face right after getting up. Health shots have been all the rage for some time now, but what’s in your shot matters. If you stop by your local juice counter, you may end up with unwanted additives in your shot, or shots made from less-than-fresh ingredients. Luckily, it’s super easy to make your own delicious and nutritious healthy shots at home. Though there are many types of wonderful shots you can come up with. One simple and effective option has only two superfood ingredients: ginger and lemon. Both ginger and lemon are amazingly healthy on their own. Together, they can really pack a powerful punch. Here’s why you may want to consider scheduling a ginger lemon shot into your day. Between working your 9 to 5, driving your kids to soccer practice and getting a meal on the table, there never seems to be enough time for the gym. However, every little bit of exercise counts — even if you only have 10 or 20 minutes before bed. Take that time to add exercise to your daily routine prior to retiring to bed to boost your belly fat-burning potential. Sweat It Out Get your heart rate up before you hit the sack via cardiovascular activities, which burns calories and can lead to fat loss. Researchers at Duke University concluded that aerobic activity beats strength training when it comes to losing abdominal fat. If you're at home, try out some non-equipment cardio, such as: Sure, you know exercise is good for you. It keeps your weight in check, makes you stronger, and keeps you feeling youthful and staying active into old age. But did you know that exercise can also make you a happier person? It's true. When you work out and stay active on a regular basis, it's not just a coincidence that you feel less stressed out, less anxious, and generally happier. Here are 6 reasons why exercise makes you happy: 1. It releases happy chemicals into your brain. Dopamine, a chemical that plays a role in happiness, is a neurotransmitter in the brain that’s necessary for feelings of pleasure and happiness. Many studies suggest that as we age, we’re constantly losing our stores of dopamine, which is why we need to constantly seek out experiences that release dopamine. An ounce of prevention may be worth a pound of cure, but more Americans carrying out five basic preventive measures would save well over 100,000 lives in the United States annually, according to a new report. It contains numbers to back the main principle of the Partnership for Prevention, namely, that more emphasis on preventing disease, not just treating it, is needed in the U.S. health care system, and would result in much more efficient use of money spent for it. On The Early Show Thursday, medical correspondent Dr. Emily Senay outlined the report's highlights. Among them, as described on the group's Web site: Utilization rates remain low for preventive services that are very cost effective and have been recommended for years. Increasing the use of just five preventive services would save more than 100,000 lives each year in the United States. Don't be mad because you don't have a Valentine on this made up holiday, so card companies could sell more "holiday cards." Even if you don't agree with what the day stands for, you have to admit it does one thing extremely well, even if it is for only one day: it promotes the spreading of love. Spreading love doesn't have to only extend to your significant other. Love can be expressed through compassion. Volunteering and helping others less fortunate is a great way to show this compassion but it also makes you feel a little good inside. Mike Sutton, CEO of Habitat For Humanity of Pinellas County, opens up about the inner workings of the non-profit, that helps spread love and provide smiles for less fortunate families year round. If you want to volunteer go to habitatpinellas.org. or if you live somewhere else habitat.org can help you find a facility near you. Send me questions or comments on Twitter @Younicooo or Instagram @younico. If you prefer email, send it to [email protected]. Also, please subscribe on iTunes if you haven’t already. The literal meaning of the word "breakfast," is to break the fast between dinner and the meal eaten after a person wakes up the next morning. If you think about the amount of time spanning between dinner and breakfast, the meaning of the word is very fitting. For most people, it can be up to 12 hours since their last meal, and yet they are quick to skip it as they rush out the door. Here are 10 benefits of eating breakfast and why it should be considered the most important meal of the day: 1. Energy Boost to Start the Day Everyone should start their day off right by eating as many vitamins and other nutrients as possible. The great thing about breakfast is there are so many common breakfast foods that can be considered super-foods because of their nutrition value: |
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